❤️ seek inspo: start a board on @pinterest or a collection on @instagram and go wild pinning ideas. Don’t let the budget, designer, brand names, labels, your size vs. models size stop you. Just collect everything that catches your eye.
If you need a refresh in the hair or make up department, later, rinse and repeat above process.
❤️ Next look at what’s common in all the pictures. Is it neutral colors, print and pattern, lots of color, use of accessories?
❤️ Now check your current wardrobe. Where are the gaps? Did your inspo board have gorgeous patterns but your wardrobe is mostly solid? Pinned a lot of dresses but wearing mostly pants?
Now you have identified the holes in your wardrobe.
❤️ Actively seek out items that will bridge the gap between your dream style and currently style.
❤️This happens over time not over night! Almost nobody throws out everything they own and buys all new things.
❤️Curate your closet and add pieces gradually that you truly love and make you feel amazing.
Need help uncovering your style or bridging the gap? Connect with me here
I cannot wait to see what you uncover!